Exploring the Ethical Side of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: Identifying Challenges and Offering Solution

The Promise and the Challenge of AI in Healthcare

AI is transforming the healthcare landscape by improving diagnostics 

Unveiling the Ethical Dilemma

1. Privacy and Data Security

The capacity of AI to analyze vast amounts of data creates a threat to privacy.  

2. Accountability

If an AI system misdiagnoses a patient, who is accountable?  

3. Equity of Acce

Economic and geographic factors may limit access to AI-driven healthcare 

Finding Solutions to the Ethical Challenge

1. Upholding Privacy and Security

Data protection frameworks and laws should be set up and strictly enforced 

2. Establishing Accountability Framework

Responsibility should rest on transparent and well-defined laws. 

3. Improving Equity of Acce

A robust health policy ensuring equal distribution of AI technologies can reduce disparities.